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Protection from Overvoltage and Overcurrent

2011年05月27日09:56:23 本網站 我要評論(2)字號:T | T | T
Protection from Overvoltage and Overcurrent

The LTC4361 overvoltage/overcurrent protection controller safeguards 2.5V to 5.5V systems from input supply overvoltage. It is designed for portable devices with multiple power supply options including wall adaptors, car battery adaptors and USB ports.The LTC4361 controls an external N-channel MOSFET in series with the input power supply. During overvoltage transients, the LTC4361 turns off the MOSFET within 1μs, isolating downstream components from the input supply. Inductive cable transients are absorbed by the MOSFET and load capacitance. In most applications, the LTC4361 provides protection from transients up to 80V without requiring transient voltage suppressors or other external components.

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