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2008年10月31日16:02:43 本網站 我要評論(2)字號:T | T | T


AVX Corporation, a leading manufacturer of advanced passive components and interconnect solutions, has developed a stackable multilayer capacitor series that features a significantly reduced footprint, increasing printed circuit board (PCB) space. Offering high capacitance values with low ESR, the TurboCap™ MLCs (patent pending) are designed to handle high ripple current

at high frequencies and high power levels.

The rugged TurboCap MLC Series is well suited for filters in the input and output stages of DC/DC converters and switch mode power supplies (SMPS).

“Characterized with very high capacitance in a small footprint, the durable TurboCap Series provides our customers with a high capacitance, high current capacitor that considerably decreases the required footprint compared to other technologies and allows the designer to use vital PCB real estate for other circuitry. The TurboCap Series allows for ultra low ESR and high ripple current ratings which makes it an ideal solution for commercial, industrial and ruggedized applications,” said Scott Harris, AVX Product Manager.

The TurboCap is available in two styles, ST12 and ST20, and a standard or Hi-

Rel version. The TurboCap has a maximum voltage rating of 100V and features a X7R dielectric formulation and has a temperature coefficient of -55°C to +125°C.

DIP leads in either thru-hole or surface mount configurations offer superior stress relief to the ceramic elements. The leads effectively decouple the parts from the board and minimize thermally or mechanically induced stresses encountered during assembly, temperature cycling or other environmental conditions. Parts are available from stock from a wide variety of distributors.



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