AVX推出用于表面貼裝和引線電容器的DO 160測試方法(E)
AVX Corporation, a leading manufacturer of advanced passive components and leaded solutions, now offers a DO 160 test option for capacitors intended for use in flight applications. AVX recognized the need for components having the capability to be used in DO 160 environments.
A recent FAA study concluded that the typical civilian aircraft gets struck with lightning approximately every 1000 hours of flight time. That fact is significant due to the growing complexity and importance of electronics on control surfaces.
AVX offers lot testing with two DO 160 waveforms:
• Waveform 4 - levels 3 and 4
• Waveform 5a and 5b - levels 3 and 4.
This test option is offered on all AVX HV01-HV06 DIP leaded stacked capacitors, SV conformally coated radial leaded capacitors, and high voltage SMT MLCCs with voltage ratings >/=1kv.
AVX has expanded its DO 160 testing options, enabling a wide variety of AVX
products to be used in avionic applications.
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