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2008年10月27日14:29:34 本網站 我要評論(2)字號:T | T | T

Ultralife Corporation, a global leader in high-energy power solutions and communications systems for diverse applications, today announced its launch of RPS Power Systems, a supplier of backup power hardware solutions for mission-critical power needs in the telecommunications, utility, financial and information-services industries.

Acquired by Ultralife in November 2007 under the name of Reserve Power Systems, Inc., RPS provides comprehensive hardware solutions incorporating energy storage and electronics for critical power applications and renewable energy needs. RPS offers an extensive range of market-competitive products, including VRLA (Valve Regulated Lead Acid) batteries, racks, cabinet systems, trays, cables and accessories as well as soon-to-be-announced UPS systems, telecom inverters and power distribution units. 

“The launch of RPS Power Systems is in direct support of our strategy to become a key player in the standby power marketplace,” said John D. Kavazanjian, Ultralife’s president and chief executive officer. “We feel that RPS is unique in both its approach to the marketplace, with its comprehensive product offerings and established customer relationships, as well as its timing, in the sense of the growing worldwide need for reliable backup power.”

The many markets and applications that benefit from RPS products include broadband/cable TV, fiber networks (FTTx), electric utility, telecommunications, industrial, and data centers whose need for reliable back-up power, uninterruptable power, or for batteries that can operate consistently through numerous power outages, has never been so important.



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