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NetPower推出NES 30A/85W POL轉換器

2008年10月30日08:58:00 本網站 我要評論(2)字號:T | T | T

NetPower announces the release of a new series of high power, high efficiency point of load (POL) converters with 12V input.  These converters have DOSA standard footprint in a low profile 1.3" x 0.53" x 0.38" SMT package. The NES1 converters accommodate a wide input range from 8.5V to 18V.  The output is preset to 0.75V and can be programmed up to 5.5V.  The NES1 converters produce output current/power up to 30A/85W at up to 96% efficiency, leading the power level and the performance in such a small footprint.

NES1 converters offer a comprehensive protection features including input under-voltage protection, output short-circuit protection, over temperature protection.  Output over-voltage protection is offered as an optional feature to give extra protection to critical loads.  Other option features include negative/positive enable logic, output voltage tracking/sequencing, and the base-plate for enhanced thermal performance.


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