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2008年10月23日12:07:03 本網站 我要評論(2)字號:T | T | T
ERNI, a leading international provider of electronic connectivity solutions, today announced a new distribution agreement with Beijing Broadcasting & Telecom Technology, located in Beijing, China. Recognizing the tremendous growth opportunity and design and R&D potential in Northern China, the partnership signifies ERNI’s aim to strengthen its presence in the region.

Through the combined resources of Beijing Broadcasting & Telecom Technology and the local ERNI sales office in Beijing, the extended ERNI team will have the leverage to expand the company’s reach in Northern China, while remaining focused on and attentive to the needs of the existing customer base.

"We see tremendous growth in the Northern China markets reaching across many industries," said Dr Chris Bruhwiler, CEO of ERNI Asia. "With the ongoing support of our own sales office in Beijing, this collaboration will build awareness for ERNI solutions and strengthen our presence in Northern China."

Beijing Broadcasting & Telecom Technology is a distributor of electronic components and instrumentation equipment headquartered in Beijing, China. Founded in 2002, the company is led by general manager Tom (Shao Yu) Gan and staffed by a team of approximately 20 employees.


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