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伯克利大學研究人員用LitePoint MIMO測試系統檢測DSRC通道(E)

2008年10月23日12:04:35 本網站 我要評論(2)字號:T | T | T
Using one of the first LitePoint IQnxnplus units to be shipped, Connectivity Lab researchers at University of California, Berkeley, are delving deeper into the channel characteristics of vehicles in motion communicating via dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) based on IEEE 802.11p. Using a 4x4 MIMO configuration, the team is now able to "see" multiple incoming waves, their directions and angles, and their interactions.

"Before, we were looking at the composite effects of the multipath signals but had no way to examine the various wave contributions. IQnxnplus, using separate antennas, VSAs, and VSGs lets us better understand what’s going on in the physical channel," explained Ian Tan, a Berkeley graduate student and team member.

In addition, Tan said, the IQnxnplus is being developed into a software-defined-radio (SDR) test bed. "It will provide a hardware platform for rapid prototyping of any improved communications schemes or beam-forming algorithms our group proposes. Naturally, seeing performance improvements with real hardware and software is much better than just simulations."


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