setcom無線S-CAT 6010測試系統推出緊湊而有效的無線設備研發測試(E)
As wireless services and applications explode worldwide using an ever-increasing range of wireless standards, device developers are desperate to keep up with new and complex testing requirements. Paced by relentless consumer demand, designers continue to pile on more features onto a single platform.
Consumers expect all their services and applications to work properly no matter where they are—that means a seamless hand-off to any network. These dual expectations of ultimate features and ultimate mobility increase the complexity of testing protocol layers. Even so, time-to-market is shrinking as manufacturers try to gain competitive advantage. Obtaining accurate test results under simulated "real-world" conditions is vital to the success of a wireless product.
The S-CAT 6010’s revolutionary approach to wireless protocol testing
Enter the S-CAT 6010 wireless protocol test system, a revolutionary design approach for wireless device protocol testing. It replaces a bench full of equipment with a cost-sensitive, compact test platform that tests the full device signaling protocol stack, from the radio layer all the way up to the network services, multi-media, and applications layer. In the past, these tests required a combination of computers, RF testers, and network test equipment. The innovative S-CAT 6010 replaces all that with a compact, 19-inch unit. The S-CAT 6010 reduces test costs for pre- and post-launch testing; it allows testing of features and capture of issues early in R&D. The S-CAT 6010 can perform tests in true-to-life network conditions, such as poor or disruptive radio connectivity, and high or fluctuating network latency—all within a lab environment. Scenarios are highly repeatable and diagnostic information is clear.
By providing smart engineering products, setcom wireless is pushing the envelope. Our test tool offers the ability to test combined feature sets with a high level of control on how each layer is performing under repeatable and challenging network conditions," said Dan Quant, senior product manager at setcom wireless.
About the S-CAT 6010 wireless protocol test system
The S-CAT 6010 wireless protocol test system performs combined testing of multiple feature sets from the radio layer through the applications layer. It can test two devices connected to each other (mobile to mobile) through one S-CAT system. The S-CAT 6010 supports GSM, GPRS, EDGE, W-CDMA, and UMA/GAN. The versatile wireless test system is ideal for a wide variety of test scenarios, including:
- Engineers developing new feature sets for wireless devices such as fixed mobile convergence, security algorithms, IP Multi-media Subsystem (IMS), and All IP-based services and applications;
- Managers and engineers in functional/system/field/lab testing departments of operators, chipset, or device manufacturers;
- Wireless gaming companies developing online games that require a low-cost solution to provide wireless connectivity to IP-based external servers or the Internet while measuring performance under real-life environments and usage;
- Mobile-to-mobile capability for real-time testing between two devices including audio codec analysis, messaging, and content sharing; and,
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