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Master Distributors推出CYNERGY3全系列REED繼電器和液面傳感器產品(E)

2008年10月15日15:51:35 本網站 我要評論(2)字號:T | T | T

Master Distributors, a leading distributor of electro-mechanical, interconnect and passive components, announces the expansion of its partnership with Cynergy3 Components.  Master Distributors offers the complete range of Cynergy3 Components products, including reed relays and liquid level sensors. These products were formerly sold under the brand name of Crydom Solid State Relays.

Cynergy3’s reed relays are ideal for use in HF radio equipment, high voltage power supplies, medical and test instrumentation. Liquid level and flow sensors manufactured by Cynergy3 are best suited for applications in high speed printing, vending, dishwashers and waste water treatment plants.

According to John Mason, Cynergy3 sales manager, “We are pleased to be partnered with a company like Master Distributors that understands the importance of holding high levels of stock for immediate delivery, provides excellent support, and has a great on-line market presence. We know we can rely on Master Distributors to service the customers well, whether they need new product design-ins, or spares and replacements.”

“We are excited to distribute Cynergy3’s well-respected and comprehensive product line,” said Ike Nizam, President, Master Distributors.  “Cynergy3’s product offerings have a wide range of applications and provide our customers with high quality choices.”

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