ERNI Electronics新型PCI Express連接器適用于嚴緊空間(E)
ERNI right-angled PCIe connectors provide board-to-board distances ranging from 5.84mm to 16.68mm, and are compatible with 1.6mm to 2.4mm thick motherboards and 1.6mm thick daughter cards. These robust PCIe connectors are available in 3 stack heights of 5.84mm, 11.17mm and 16.68mm, and are equipped with molded polarization keys to prevent improper insertion of the daughter cards. The connectors provide solder termination with a termination length of 2.54mm. The PCIe connector layout is arranged in a 4-row format with 2mm pitch and the provision of 2 holes for locater pegs. This enables the connector to be securely assembled and easy soldered through a lead-free wave soldering process. |
Each serial link supports 2.5Gb/s (per direction) in 100W Gen1 systems. The connectors, which are available in black and in tray packaging, are ideal for use in many applications, including servers, workstations, desktop PCs (replaces AGP) and storage applications.
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