Design and Technology Group擴展Rochester Electronics的半導體重新設計業務(E)
Rochester Electronics, the world's most comprehensive and authorized source of discontinued semiconductors, announced the establishment of its new Design and Technology Group in Rockville, Md., expanding the capability to re-create semiconductors that have been discontinued by the original
manufacturer. Rochester's Design and Technology Group specializes in ASIC designs but also has capability to reverse-engineer products where original tooling and intellectual property is missing or unavailable. Rochester Electronics' experienced team of design engineers deconstructs and electrically analyzes the part, then re-designs it for a near-identical and well-matched existing foundry process. This service and the resulting parts still retain the authorization and support of the original semiconductor manufacturer.
"There are many devices discontinued by the original manufacturer that are critically required in systems needing a long-term support solution. In many cases, there simply is insufficient inventory of finished devices or die," said Curt Gerrish, Rochester founder and CEO. "Through Rochester's authorizations and licensing from the original manufacturer, we are able to re-create the device from the manufacturer's IP or through device reverse-engineering. The solution provides an ongoing and continuous long-term supply of these critically required devices."
If these devices were not available, according to Gerrish, OEMs would face extreme re-design costs, as well as significant engineering time and effort. Rochester's new design and technology group adds significant capability in developing these solutions.
An authorized manufacturer and distributor, Rochester Electronics provides continuing customer support for products that are being or have been discontinued by the original manufacturer. Known as Leaders on the Trailing Edge of Technology, Rochester acquires all remaining manufacturer end-of-life (EOL) inventory, including finished devices, die and selected intellectual property. The establishment of the Design and Technology Group expands Rochester's capability to provide any part, at any time, with the proper research, authorizations and certifications, guaranteeing the same performance as the original part.
The group also furthers Rochester's commitment to acting as a reliable source of trusted devices for continued long-term production. By turning to Rochester Electronics' extensive part inventory and re-design services, OEMs can continue production planning without concern for line shutdown or dwindling supply of certified parts, and, more importantly, avoid the risk of turning to unauthorized suppliers who provide questionable product that could result in production delays, system failure or brand destruction.
"The re-design service costs only a fraction of what it would cost for an OEM to replace the device by working with the original semiconductor manufacturer who may no longer have access to the intellectual property and is unlikely to invest considerable engineering time and talent to meet the intermittent demand for EOL products," said Gerrish.
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