Bliley Technologies宣布重組全球銷售業務(E)
Bliley Technologies, Inc. (BTI), a market leader in low phase noise frequency generation, announces a major global sales force realignment reflecting a shift to a more customer-centric,
design- and engineering-led sales model.
With greater integration of microwave/RF engineering in its sales and service processes, Bliley's primary sales force realignment goal is to increase customer involvement in system definition and performance selection prior to finalizing and releasing designs for manufacturing. The company
also plans to further develop product-compatibility systems to match BTI products with other frequency generation components and sub-systems, according to customer needs.
"We anticipate that adding value and partnering with our customers to assist them in defining frequency generation products required for their specific applications will reduce cycle times, improve design-process outcomes and increase their speed to market," said Dennis Barrick, BTI's Global Vice President of Marketing and Business Development.
Complementing its full-time direct sales force and effective immediately, BTI utilizes a reorganized global network of sales representatives (15 in North America and seven internationally), as referenced online by specific geographic location at
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