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2008年10月15日14:26:45 本網站 我要評論(2)字號:T | T | T

Astrodyne announces the ultra-thin SDR-240 Series DIN-rail mounted, enclosed switching power supplies. The unit width of this space-saving power supply series is 50% smaller than previous versions. Providing 240W of output power, all models accept universal input from 90-264VAC and two models are offered at 24VDC and 48VDC with active PFC > 0.93 and 93% efficient.

The Ultra-thin  SDR-240 Series comes with over load, over voltage, over temperature protection and features free air convection cooling. The power supplies are enclosed in rugged metal casings that offer a high density, ultra-thin package only 2.48” wide. All models in the SDR-240 Series provide an integral power-good LED indicator and output adjustment potentiometer and are designed to operate over the ambient temperature range of -25 to +60ºC without forced cooling or output power derating. All models can be installed on DIN Rail TS35/7.5 or 15 and are fully approved to UL508 and TUV EN60950-1 safety specifications.  Power supply dimensions are only 4.46"L X 2.48"W X 4.93"H with screw terminal input/output connections. The economical SDR-240 Series is value-priced at $119 in OEM quantities with delivery at 8 weeks ARO.


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