DS31256的分數級T1 (FT1)環回檢測
摘要:這篇應用筆記介紹了利用DS31256的接收BERT (誤碼率測試)功能實現分數級T1 (FT1)上環回或下環回檢測(V.54)的方法,并給出了示例代碼。 概述
這篇應用筆記介紹了利用DS31256的接收BERT功能實現分數級T1 (FT1)上環回或下環回檢測(V.54)的方法,詳細說明請參考分數級T1.403附錄B規范。所提供的算法和示例代碼簡化了DS31256較終用戶的設計。DS31256只有一個BERT引擎,但有16個V.54引擎(每端口一個)。因此,當測試端口多于一個時,軟件帶寬必須能夠處理多路復用技術。
圖1. FT1 (上環回與下環回)檢測流程
圖2. FT1 (上環回與下環回)檢測流程(續)
- write_reg (addr, data)—將特定數值寫入指定的DS31256寄存器:
addr = DS31256寄存器相對于芯片基地址的偏移量 data = 需要寫入寄存器的數據
- read_reg (addr)—讀取DS31256特定地址的寄存器并返回值:
addr = DS31256寄存器相對于芯片基地址的偏移量
- write_ind_reg (addr, data)—將特定數據寫入指定的DS31256間接尋址寄存器,然后在返回前等待寄存器的“忙”位被清除:
addr = 要寫入數據的間接尋址寄存器 data = 寫入指定的間接尋址寄存器的數據
- read_ind_reg (addr, i)—讀取指定地址的DS31256間接尋址寄存器并返回數值:
addr = DS31256寄存器相對于芯片基地址的偏移量 i = 索引
- 標準的C語言打印函數printf
void FT1Test() { int status = 0; FT1Setting(0, 0); -- Configure the device for BERT status = sync_loop(1, 300, 5000); -- FT1 loop-up test if(status == 1) -- Return status is synced { status = sync_loop(3, 300, 5000); -- FT1 all ones test if(status == 1) { loopbackSetup(1); -- Place channelized in network loopback status = sync_loop(2, 300, 5000); -- FT1 loop-down test if(status == 1) { status = sync_loop(3, 300, 5000); -- FT1 all ones test if(status == 1) loopbackSetup(0); -- Take out from channelized loopback else checkstatus(3); -- Print out test status } else { checkstatus(2); -- Print out test status } } else { checkstatus(3); -- Print out test status } } else { checkstatus(1); -- Print out test status } }
1. 打印測試狀態信息函數
void checkstatus(int type) { switch(type) { case 1: printf("Loopup pattern not found"); break; case 2: printf("Loopdown pattern not found"); break; case 3: printf("All 1's pattern not found"); break; } }
2. 配置FT1函數
void FT1Setting(int dev, int port) { int mc = 0; -- Variables to be used int ds0 = 0; int rcfg = 0; mc = read_reg (0x10); -- Read Master Control(MC) 0x00 register mc = mc & 0xf07f; -- Mask out the read-back value from MC write_reg (0x10, mc); -- Assign the BERT to port 0 (MC.BPS4-0) write_reg(0x0304, 0x4000); -- Configure port 0 in receive port for(ds0 = 0; ds0 < 128; ds0 = ds0 + 1) -- Configure register { --Assign timeslot R[0]CFG[ds0].RBERT bit write_ind_reg(0x0300, 0x0100 + ds0); -- Assign all 128 ds0’s to RBERT } printf("FT1 configuration completed."); }
3. 執行FT1測試函數
int sync_loop(int pattern, int sync_cnt, int timeout) { int timeCnt = 0; -- Variables will be used int cnt = 0; int status = 0; int temp = 0; int sync = 0; int bertc0 = 0; int bertec0 = 0; BertSetup(pattern); -- Set up the BERT bertc0 = read_reg (0x500); -- Toggle RESYNC bertc0 = bertc0 | 0x0001; -- Mask the read BERTC0 value write_reg (0x500, bertc0); -- Write a 1 into BERTC0.RESYNC bertc0 = bertc0 & 0xfffe; -- Mask out read-back value write_reg (0x500, bertc0); -- Write 0 into BERTC0.RESYNC bertc0 = read_reg (0x500); -- Read BERTC0 bertec0 = read_reg (0x518); -- Read BERTEC0 sync = ((bertec0 & 0x0001) == 0x0001); timeCnt = timeCnt + 1; while(cnt= timeout) { printf("Time Out while searching for pattern."); return status = 0; } } delay(2000); timeCnt = timeCnt +1; bertec0 = read_reg (0x518); -- Read value of BERTEC0 temp = ((bertec0 & 0x0010) == 0x0010); -- Check BERTEC0.RLOS if(temp == 1) { sync = 0; cnt = 0; } else { cnt = cnt+1; } if(cnt == sync_cnt) { printf("Synced to pattern."); return status = 1; } } return 0; }
4. 在BERT寄存器中建立模板
void BertSetup(int pattern) { switch (pattern) { case 1: write_reg (0x500, 0x0 & 0x003c); -- Disable BERTC0.RINV break; -- Set 2E7-1 pattern case 2: write_reg (0x500, 0x0020 & 0x003c);--Enable BERTC0.RINV break; -- Set 2E7-1 pattern default: write_reg (0x508, 0xffff); -- Set BERT Repetitive Pattern Set write_reg (0x50C, 0xffff); -- in BERTBRP0-1 write_reg (0x500, 0x0010 & 0x003c);-- Disable BERTC0.RINV break; -- Set to repetitive pattern } }
5. 建立環回模式函數
void loopbackSetup(int val) { int a = 0; int tmp = 0; tmp = val<<11; write_reg(0x0304, tmp); -- Set port and channel 0 for (a = 0; a < 128; a++) -- Set T[0]CFG[a].CNLB to place channel in { -- loopback write_ind_reg(0x0300, 0x0200 + a); } if(val ==1) { write_reg(0x0200, 0x0008); -- Enable TP[0]CR.TFDA1 to allow data to printf("Loopup detected"); -- be transmitted normally printf("Channel placed in loopback"); } else { write_reg(0x0200, 0x0000); -- Disable TP[0]CR.TFDA1 bit printf("Loopdown detected"); printf("Channel taken out from loopback"); } }
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